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Swisso Logical
Swisso Logical skincare
Swisso Logical Active Spa
Ocean Gifts Facial Mask
Ocean Gifts Skincare Treatment
Purifying gel
Soft Scrub Emulsion
Matifying Cream Gel
Ocean Gifts Body Care
Garden Heart Skincare Treatment
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You are in: HOME / PRODUCTS / Zepter Cosmetics / Swisso Logical / Swisso Logical Active Spa / Ocean Gifts Skincare Treatment
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A VITAMIN COCKTAIL of the most effective and precious active ingredients extracted from the ocean.

Purifying gel
Code: PNK-471-O
Soft Scrub Emulsion
Code: PNK-470-O
Matifying Cream Gel
Code: PNK-472-O
Plants, corals and plankton offer a unique mixture of oligo-elements and biologically active substances that have healing and beautifying effects on the skin.
  • CAVIAR to restructure and revitalise the skin
  • ALGAE to detoxify, protect at cellular level against free radicals, increase ceramide synthesis and enhance cell production
  • PLANKTON to energise the skin and protect from free radicals
  • OYSTER to improve skin luminosity 

Ocean Gifts skin care line makes the most of these unique properties and offers innovative and revolutionary treatments that give skin strength and vitality, while leaving an incredible feeling of comfort and wellness.