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A revolutionary break-through in medicine: the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System.


The BIOPTRON MedAll Light Therapy device is designed for use at home, in...
This medical light therapy device is designed for home and for professional use.
This medical light therapy device is designed for use by health professionals.
BIOPTRON Color Light Set
For your health and well-being.
Oxy Sterile Spray
Unique, sterilised, oxygenated swiss water.
BIOPTRON devices are medical devices used under professional conditions at hospitals, specialist institutions, wellness and sports centres and as well at home. BIOPTRON Light Therapy System is for everybody: wide range of applications, easy to use, painless and short treatment time, no known negative side effects and Swiss-made!
The BIOPTRON devices have an innovative technology and are designed to be user-friendly for everyone. Floor stands are available for each device and allow convenient positioning according to the individual user's needs. In this way, each part of the body is easily treatable, providing the user with a relaxed, enjoyable treatment. Differing only in size and design, all three devices have the same physical light characteristics and thus an identical beneficiary effect on the human organism.
All BIOPTRON Light Therapy devices are made in Switzerland by BIOPTRON AG.
BIOPTRON AG is a SWISS company that became a member of the Zepter Group in the mid-1990s. Distinguished results in the field of light therapy emanated from the scientific research, experience and expertise potential of the Zepter Group. These findings have been continuously implemented in the production of the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System.


A new wave in health care

Over the past couple of decades, professionals and patients alike have welcomed a wealth of changes and improvements in health care. In the scientific world, there has been excitement over numerous innovative breakthroughs, with research highlighting the efficacy of various new treatments. Some of these harness the most modern state of the art techniques, while others draw on natural resources and mechanisms as old as time. Many of the most successful examples are a combination of both ancient and modern ideas, which is clearly more appealing to the general public.
There is great curiosity about what science can offer, although there is also scepticism about the possible side effects and problems that new drugs and treatments may bring. More than ever, people wish to further their understanding of the knowledge and wisdom used by their ancestors and are desirous of health treatments in which they can trust. People have more questions than ever before, such as “Is it safe?” and “Are there any side effects?”. They want to appreciate and understand all available options and have more control over their personal health and the health of their loved ones.
As medical experts and others rely more and more on a holistic approach to preventive health care and treatments, BIOPTRON Light Therapy is found to be a welcome new addition to this field. Hippocrates’ healing philosophy has begun to re-influence the medical fields:
”First, do no harm“ and ”Honour the healing power of nature“.

A breakthrough in medicine: BIOPTRON Light Therapy System
The BIOPTRON Light Therapy System is a powerful light therapy technology demonstrating a remarkable degree of visionary commitment. In the early 1980s, a team of scientists discovered the signifi cance of polarized polychromatic light. Based on this research, the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System was created. Since 1988, BIOPTRON AG has invested in further sophisticated research and new product developments necessary to achieve optimal clinical effectiveness in light therapy treatments.
Consequently, the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System draws on more than 20 years of experience and is used by physicians and nurses in hospitals and by families and individual users at home, all benefi ting from the positive eff ects on the human body.
The patented technology of the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System can enable clinical success with consistently remarkable results in the prevention and treatment of various medical disorders. High-quality technology and innovative design without complexity in use and with no known adverse eff ects. BIOPTRON Light is a supportive tool for both clinical and home environments.

Ancient light therapy
sunlight - the source of all life

The use of light therapy in medicine has a long history. The first light source used in photo medicine was natural sunlight. Even in ancient Egypt sunlight was used for medical treatments. Later, Hippocrates described the use of sunlight to cure various medical disorders. Although sunlight therapy had no scientific explanation at that time, the healing power of it was clear, and Roman and Arab physicians introduced light therapy into general medical use.
Today it is known that the human organism transforms light into electrochemical energy, which activates a chain of biochemical reactions within cells, which are not only limited to the treated skin area but can involve the whole body.

BIOPTRON Light Therapy - a new wave in health care

Bioptron light therapy system

Ancient light therapy. Sunlight - the source of all life


The Invention

The Danish physician Niels Ryberg Finsen founded modern light therapy about 100 years ago. In 1903 he was awarded with the Nobel Prize in medicine for his achievements with light therapy. Finsen created the first device to generate technically synthesized sunlight and achieved outstanding results in the treatment of patients suffering from a special type of skin tuberculosis. 
Danish physician Niels Ryberg Finsen who founded modern light therapy about 100 years ago.
  Niels Ryberg Finsen 

Development of BIOPTRON Light Therapy

At the beginning of the development of photo medicine mostly infrared and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum were used in modern light therapy. In the early 1980s, a research team of scientists created a light source that was originally based on low-level laser therapy but actually worked with almost the whole range of visible light and a portion of infrared light. The research revealed certain physical characteristics that are essential for the effectiveness of light therapy. Based on this technology later the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System was created. BIOPTRON AG is working continuously with experts, researchers and physicians in many countries in order to examine the characteristics and therapeutic effectiveness of BIOPTRON Light Therapy.



BIOPTRON AG - Assuring top quality

BIOPTRON AG in-house laboratories are constantly engaged in testing and optimisin BIOPTRON devices according to the latest scientific studies carried out by independent institutions. Simultaneously, BIOPTRON devices are further certified by accredited independent testing institutes. Our business processes, including R&D, supplier evaluation, the supply of components to production, ongoing inspections and the product itself, fulfill all expected regulations according to the European Community medical device directive 93/42/EEC, as well as particular national regulations of the local markets.


1.  TÜV Rheinland ISO Certificate for Quality Management System EN ISO 13485:2016.
2.  TÜV Rheinland EC Certificate for the Quality Assurance System according to the  Medical Device directive 93/42/EEC, annex II excluding section (4).
3.  510(K) Clearance, for further information visit "510(k) Premarket Notification Database" Our 510(k) No: K032216.
Certificate for Quality Management

Certificate for Quality Management


Science and research

Years of experience and research have affirmed the positive effects of BIOPTRON Light Therapy and have led to a wide range of applications in numerous fields of medicine. The scientific team of BIOPTRON AG is working continuously with experts, researchers and physicians in many countries in order to examine the characteristics and therapeutic effectiveness of BIOPTRON Light Therapy.

Scientific references list
Doctors around the world recommend the use of the BIOPTRON Light Therapy.

Basic Research 

[1] T.Kubasova, M.Horvath, K. Kocsis and M.Fenyö: Effect of visible light on some cellular and immune parameters. Immunology and Cell Biology, 1995, 73; 239-244. 

[2] M.Fenyö, J.Mandl and A.Falus: Opposite effect of linearly polarized light on biosynthesis of interleukin-6 in a human B lymphoid cell line and peripheral human monocytes. Cell Biology International, 2002, 26(3); 265-269. 

[3] T.Kubasova, M.Fenyö, Z.Somosy, L.Gazso and I.Kertesz: Investigations on biological effect of polarized light. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 1988, 48; 505-509. 

[4] P.Bolton, M.Dyson and S.Young: The effect of polarized light on the release of growth factors from the U-937 macrophage-like cell line. Laser Therapy, 1992, 2(3); 33-37. 

[5] I.Kertesz, M.Fenyö, E.Mester and G.Bathory: Hypothetical physical model for laser dissimulation. Optics and Laser Technology, 1982, 16; 31-32. 

[6] K.A.Samoilova, K.D.Obolenskaya, A.V.Vologdina, S.A.Snopov and E.V.Shevchenko: Single skin exposure to visible light induces rapid modification of entire circulation blood - 1. Improvement of rheologic and immune parameters. Progress in Biomedical Optics/Proceedings of Low-Power Light on Biological Systems, 1998, IV; 90-103. 

[7] J.E.Roberts: Visible light induces changes in the immune response through an eye-brain mechanism (photoneuroimmunology), Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 1995, 29(1); 3-15.

Wound Healing 

[8] L.Medenica and M.Lens: The use of polarised polychromatic non-coherent light alone as a therapy for venous leg ulceration. Journal of Wound Care, 2003, 12(1); 37-40. 

[9] S.Monstrey, H.Hoeksema, H.Saelens, K.Depuydt, M.Hamdi, K.Van Landuyt and P.Blondeel: A conservative approach for deep dermal burn wounds using polarised-light therapy. British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2002, 55; 420-426. 

[10] 10. P.Iordanou, G.Baltopoulos, M.Giannakopoulou, P.Bellou and E.Ktenas: Effect of polarized light in the healing process of pressure ulcers. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 2002, 8(1); 49-55. 

[11] S.Monstrey, H.Hoeksema, K.Depuydt, G.Van Maele, K.Van Landuyt and P.Blondeel: The effect of polarized light on wound healing. European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2002, 24(8); 377-382. ?Invited commentary: W.Vanscheidt, The effect of polarized light on wound healing. European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2002, 24(8); 383. 

[12] Colic MM, Vidojkovic N, Jovanovic M, Lazovic G. The use of polarized light in aesthetic surgery.  Aesthetic Plast.Surg.  2004;28(5):324-7.

[13] Tomashuk IP, Tomashuk II. [Clinical efficacy of alprostan in combination with "Bioptron-II" rays and iruxol-miramistin in the treatment of the diabetic foot complicated by atherosclerosis].  Klin.Khir.  2001;(8):49-51.

Pain Treatment

[14] M.F.Ballyzek, V.Vesovic-Potic, X.He, A.Johnston: Efficacy of polarized, polychromatic, non-coherent light in the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal neck and shoulder pain. Unpublished material, BIOPTRON AG, Wollerau, Switzerland (2005).

[15] Stasinopoulos D. The use of polarized polychromatic non-coherent light as therapy for acute tennis elbow/lateral epicondylalgia: a pilot study. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 2005;23(1):66-69.

[16] D.Stasinopoulos, I.Stasinopoulos and M.I.Johnson: Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome with polarized polychromatic noncoherent light (Bioptron light): a preliminary, prospective, open clinical trial. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, 2005;23(2):225-228.

[17] I.Stasinopoulos: Report of the rheumatology and rehabilitation centre. Unpublished material, Greece (1990).

[18] Lymans'kyi I, Tamarova ZA, Huliar SO. [Suppression of visceral pain by action of the low intensity polarized light on acupuncture antinociceptive points].  Fiziol.Zh.  2003;49(5):43-51. 


[19] Aronis, A.Braziotis, K.Kafouros, N.Pagratis, Th.Papakostas and P.Venetsanos: The action of visible polarized light on skin diseases. Poster presentation at the 18th International Congress of Dermatology, New York, USA (1992).

[20] Bartos Z.; The use of the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System in the treatment of skin disorders; Kiskunfélegyháza City Hospital and Polyclinic Department of Dermatological and Venerreal Diseases; Experience report; Hungary (2004).

[21] Charakida Aikaterini, Deaton Edward D. Charakida Marietta, Mouser Paul et al.; Phototherapy in the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris. What is the Role?; Am J Clin Dermatol; 5(4):211-216(2004).


[22] Burkin IA, Okateyev VS, 2004. The use of BIOPTRON Light Therapy in the treatment of children with musculoskeletal injuries. Clinical Experience Report. Traumatology Department, Sperandsky; Municipal Children's Hospital, Moscow, Russia.

[23] Cerná O. The BIOPTRON Light Therapy in the life support and intensive care unit, Abstract, Congress Proceedings, Prague, Czechoslovakia 2005.

[24] Khan MA, 2001, Report on use of BIOPTRON polychromatic incoherent polarized light in paediatrics, Experience Report. Russian Scientific Centre of Reconstructive Medicine and Balneotherapy, Moscow, Russia.

[25] Khan MA, Erdes SI. Clinical efficiency of BIOPTRON polychromatic polarized light in the treatment of atopic dermatitis and frequent respiratory diseases in children, Allergology and Immunology in Paediatrics, N3 (14), September 2008.


[26] Avery DA, Kizer D, Bolte MA et al.: Bright light therapy of subsydromal seasonal affective disorders in the workplace: morning vs. afternoon exposure. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2001; 103:267 -274.

[27] Eastrnan Cl, Young MA, Fogg LF, Liu L, Meaden PM: Bright light treatment of winter depression: a placebo-controlled trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1998; 55: BB3 - 889.

[28] Lam RW and Levitt A: Canadian Consensus Guidelines for the Treatment of SAD, A Summary of the Report of the Canadian Consensus Group on SAD, Can J Diagnosis 1998; Suppl. 1 - l5.

[29] Lee TM, Chan CC: Dose-response relationship of phototherapy for seasonal affective disorder: a meta'analysis. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1999; 99; 315 – 323.

Bioptron wound healing in medicine

Bioptron research

Innovative Bioptron lamps


What is BIOPTRON Light?

The BIOPTRON Light Therapy System is a worldwide patented light therapy medical device with a specific optical unit emitting light that is similar to the part of the electromagnetic spectrum produced naturally by the sun but with no UV radiation.

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can act in a natural way by supporting the regenerative and rebalancing capacities of the body and therefore help the body release its own healing potential. Once delivered to the tissues, the light energy promotes the process of biostimulation (which means that it stimulates diverse biological processes in organisms in a positive manner and thereby enhances body functions).

User-friendly and non-pharmaceutical therapy BIOPTRON technology became widely used and accepted in medicine as a user-friendly, effective, non-pharmacological medical device. In over 15 years of clinical research worldwide, it has been shown to be supportive in conservative management of acute and chronic injuries as well as in post-operative wounds. Hippocrates’ healing philosophy has begun to re-influence the medical fields: "Primum non nocere" ("First, do no harm") and "Vis Medicatrix Naturae" ("Honour the healing power of nature"). BIOPTRON Light Therapy System is approved as a medical device according to the Directive 93/42/EEC.

 BIOPTRON Ligh Therapy for skin
BIOPTRON Light is polarized light: its waves move (oscillate) in parallel planes. The light emitted
by the BIOPTRON devices reaches a polarization degree of 95%

BIOPTRON Light polarization
up to more than 95% polarization of the emitted spectrum
Polarization by reflection

BIOPTRON Light is a polychromatic light. This means it contains not only one wavelength (like
laser light) but a wide range, including visible light and a portion of the infrared range. The
wavelength of BIOPTRON Light ranges from 480 nm to 3,400 nm.
The BIOPTRON electromagnetic spectrum does not contain UV radiation!
BIOPTRON Light is a polychromatic light
Infrared Light

Unlike laser light, BIOPTRON Light is incoherent, or out-of phase light. This means that the light
waves are not synchronized.
BIOPTRON Light is incoherent, or out-of phase light
Coherent or in-phase light
Laser light
Incoherent or out-of-phase light

BIOPTRON Light has a low energy density. This energy density has biostimulative effects and
allows the light to stimulate various biological processes in the body in a positive way.

 BIOPTRON Light has a low energy density

BIOPTRON Light has biostimulative effects: when applied to the skin it stimulates light-sensitive
intracellular structures and molecules. This initiates cellular chain reactions and triggers so-called
secondary responses, which are not only limited to the treated skin area, but can involve the whole body.

BIOPTRON Light has biostimulative effects: when applied to the skin it stimulates light-sensitive intracellular structures and molecules

BIOPTRON Light Therapy stimulates and modulates reparative and regenerative processes as
well as the processes of the human defence-system.

BIOPTRON Light Therapy acts in a natural way by supporting the regenerative capacity of the
body and therefore helps the body to release its own healing potential.
The use of BIOPTRON Light as a therapeutic tool has been popular in a variety of applications
since its development more than 15 years ago.


BIOPTRON general effects

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can be used as a complementary treatment for certain indications.

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can be used as a complementary therapy in:

  • the promotion of wound healing
  • the relieve of pain or decrease of its intensity
  • dermatological disorders and skin problems
  • pediatrics
  • Seasonal Affective Disorders (SAD)

The outstanding characteristics of BIOPTRON Light enable the light to penetrate not only the skin but also the underlying tissues. Thus the positive effect of BIOPTRON Light is not limited to the treated skin area.
BIOPTRON Light has biostimulative effects: when applied to the skin, it stimulates light-sensitive intracellular structures and molecules. This initiates cellular chain reactions and triggers so-called secondary responses, which are not only limited to the treated skin area. See reference nr. 1, 3 and 5. BIOPTRON Light Therapy stimulates and modulates reparative and regenerative processes as well as the processes of the human defence-system. See reference nr. 2 and 6. The BIOPTRON Light Therapy has become accepted as a new form of treatment in prevention, therapy and rehabilitation for the noted medical indications.

BIOPTRON Light Therapy stimulates and modulates reparative and regenerative processes

BIOPTRON for wound healing

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can be used as complementary therapy for wound healing in the following indications:

  • Wounds after a trauma (injuries)
  • Burns
  • Wounds after operations
  • Leg ulcers
  • Decubitus (pressure sores)

We recommend consulting a physician before using BIOPTRON Light Therapy in order to receive professional advice as to whether this treatment is recommendable or whether other medical treatment is necessary. 

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can be used as monotherapy and/or as complementary therapy for wound healing

BIOPTRON for pain relief treatment

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can be used as complementary therapy for pain treatment in the following indications:

  • osteoarthritis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • arthrosis

  • low back pain
  • shoulder and neck pain
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • scar tissue

Sports medicine soft tissue injuries of muscles, tendons and ligaments like:
  • muscle spasm
  • sprains, strains, contusions
  • ligament and muscle tears
  • tendonitis
  • tennis elbow

We recommend consulting a physician before using BIOPTRON Light Therapy in order to receive professional advice as to whether this treatment is recommendable or whether other medical treatment is necessary.

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can be used in rheumatology and physiotherapy

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can be used in sports medicine to heal soft tissue injuries


BIOPTRON for dermatologic indications

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can be used as a complementary therapy in the treatment of various skin problems, such as:

  • Acne
  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
  • Psoriasis
  • Herpes simplex
  • Herpes zoster
  • Superficial bacterial infections
  • Mucosal lesions

These types of skin conditions are quite common and most people will experience one or more of them at some point in their life. Although most skin diseases are not life-threatening, they can be very distressing and could have a negative impact on someone’s quality of life. 

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can help to promote skin healing and reduce discomfort associated with various skin disorders. This treatment is, painless and simple to use. 

We recommend consulting a physician before using BIOPTRON Light Therapy in order to receive professional advice as to whether this treatment is recommendable or whether other medical treatment is necessary.
BIOPTRON Light Therapy can be used as a complementary therapy for skin diseases


Seasonal Affective Disorders (‘Winter Depression’)

The long nights and dull days of winter can cause some people to experience feelings of low mood; this is called Seasonal Affective Disorder – SAD or ‘Winter Depression’. SAD is believed to be caused by an imbalance in the production of a ‘sleep hormone’-melatonin. The increased light levels can cause the reduction of ‘sleep hormone’ production and, thus, reduce the related symptoms.
Light therapy is standard treatment of seasonal affective disorder and related symptoms

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Lowered motivation
  • Increased need for sleep

BIOPTRON Light Therapy is providing the effective light spectrum, with no UV radiation with min. of 10'000 lux which is beneficial for the SAD treatment.


Light therapy is standard treatment of seasonal affective disorder and related symptoms

BIOPTRON for pediatric indications

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can be used in children as a complementary therapy to reduce pain and promote healing in various types of conditions, such as:

  • Pediatric dermal lesions
  • Allergic respiratory diseases
  • Upper respiratory tract infections
  • Musculoskeletal and neurological disorders and deficits

Skin diseases are common in children; up to 15% of children suffer from allergic eczema and skin infections (caused by viruses and bacteria) occur frequently. Skin diseases can be distressing for children (and their parents) because of skin soreness, constant itching, loss of sleep and embarrassment about the appearance of skin lesions on the face or hands.

BIOPTRON Light Therapy provides a child-friendly treatment that can help to promote skin healing and reduce the discomfort associated with skin disorders.

Younger children are prone to viral infections of upper airways (i.e. nose and throat), having the frequent episodes of the illness per year what can result in a significant loss of days in the school.

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can help to treat these conditions by stimulating the immune system and promote healing response.

BIOPTRON Light Therapy is clinically proven and has been used to promote wound healing and to relieve pain and inflammation

BIOPTRON Light Lherapy can be used to treat newborn babies for the condition of dermal affections as phlebitis, decubitis and intertrigo. Very often for the condition of skin rush – nappy ruches by reliving pain and inflammation.

We recommend consulting a physician before using BIOPTRON Light Therapy in order to receive professional advice as to whether this treatment is recommendable or whether other medical treatment is necessary.

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can be used in children as a complementary therapy to reduce pain and promote healing



As a member of ZEPTER Group, our MISSION is to develop innovative high-quality products with the aim of improving health and well-being and enhancing the quality of life.

BIOPTRON Company Profile

BIOPTRON AG was founded in spring 1988 and dedicates its work to research, development and production of medical products, the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System. The company is located at Wollerau close to Zürich, in the middle of the economic centre of Switzerland.

The BIOPTRON Light Therapy System was developed in close cooperation with research departments of universities, clinics and specialists. We constantly test and optimize our products through scientific studies that are carried out by independent institutions.
Our products are manufactured in our own production plant through skilled workers providing high quality manual labor, supported by modern production systems. We guarantee quality by extensive quality controls in every step of the production.
Our company as well as our products are standardized and certified following EN 13485.
In all activities we trust in our competent employees that are constantly trained.

In 1996 the company was integrated into the ZEPTER group. That gives BIOPTRON AG the chance to use synergies and to distribute the products to more than 50 countries worldwide.

Latest recognition for Zepter International

Following the longtime experience and proven efficiency in therapy and prevention, BIOPTRON shows once more the true power of light and wins the 1st prize as most efficient energy based anti-aging device at the 2nd European Aesthetic & Anti-aging medicine Congress in Paris, held on 24-25 October.

An International team of medical experts presented the effects of Bioptron light therapy in anti-ageing, showing clinical studies that proved the positive and simulative effects of Bioptron Light Therapy on fibroblast cells in our body, the ones responsible for collagen and elastin production.

As the skin ages, as well as when being exposed to sun rays, the quantity of these proteins in human skin decreases, the outcome are fines lines and wrinkles. Safe and non-invasive daily treatments with Bioptron Light Therapy (for only 10 minutes), will make these wrinkles disappear.

BIOPTRON Compact III laureate
of "Gold OTIS" 2006 consumer
trust award in Poland

With great pleasure we would like to inform that Bioptron Compact III has received huge number of votes from satisfied clients and became a "Gold Otis" 2006 Consumer Trust Award laureate in category: Medical Appliances. At 25th April 2006 Zepter Medical Brand Director Mr. Wadim Greczany, who represents Zepter International Poland, has received the award."Gold Otis" Trust Award is first consumer award in history of polish pharmaceutical market. From Producers applications presenting devices and medical appliances, Readers, TV Polsat audience and Net Surfers indicates those in which they declare personal trust - therefore it's called "Trust Award". This prestigious award confirm that in Poland and all over the world products Bioptron Therapy System have million of people who are grateful, satisfied and loyal clients.

Bioptron Mission

Latest recognition for Zepter International

BIOPTRON Compact III laureate of "Gold OTIS" 2006 consumer trust award in Poland
laureate of
"Gold OTIS" 2006
trust award
in Poland



BIOPTRON AG is participating in congresses and exhibitions with national and international character in the field of medicine, beauty and wellbeing. The below listed events provide an opportunity for professionals, end-users and distributors to receive personal consultation about the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System and its biostimulative effects.

AMWC 2014 
3.-5. April 2014
Grimaldi Forum, Monaco
12th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress
Level +1 Ravel, Booth O5

2nd AMEC 2014
24.-25. October 2014
Palais des Congres de Paris
Level 2, Hall Maillot, E27


BIOPTRON AG is participating in congresses and exhibitions with national and international character in the field of medicine. The below listed events provide an opportunity for professionals, end-users and distributors to receive personal consultation about the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System and its biostimulative effects.

IFAS 2012 
Zurich, Switzerland
23. – 26. October 2012
Exhibition Center, Zurich
32nd Trade Fair
for the Healthcare Market
Hall 2, Booth 109


BIOPTRON AG is participating in congresses and exhibitions with national and international character in the field of medicine. The below listed events provide an opportunity for professionals, end-users and distributors to receive personal consultation about the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System and its biostimulative effects.

Dubai, UAE
25. – 28. January 2010
Dubai International Exhibition Center
Swiss Pavilion, Hall 7 - Booth 7E19 

IFAS 2010 - Zurich / Switzerland
26. – 29. October 2010
Exhibition Center Zurich
31ST Trade Fair for Medical and Hospital Equipment
Hall 2, Booth 118

IIHF World Championship 2010
Berne, Switzerland
24th April – 10th May 2010
73rd IIHF World Championship Ice Hockey  


BIOPTRON AG is participating in congresses and exhibitions with national and international character in the field of medicine. The below listed events provided an opportunity for professionals, end-users and distributors to receive personal consultation about the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System and its biostimulative effects.

ICD 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
20. – 24. May 2009
10th Int. Congress of Dermatology
Prague Congress Center
2nd Floor, Booth B39 

EULAR 2009
Copenhagen, Denmark
10. – 13. June 2009
10th Annual Congress of the
European League against Rheumatism
Bella Center
Booth C3-1A 

EADV 2009
Berlin, Germany
07. – 10. October 2009
18th Congress of the European Academy
of Dermatology and Venereology
Int. Congress Center (ICC Berlin) 

Arab Health 2009
Dubai, UAE
26. – 29. January 2009
Dubai International Exhibition Center
Swiss Pavilion, Sheik Rashid Hall - Booth RE10

IIHF World Championship 2009
Berne, Switzerland
24th April – 10th May 2009
73rd IIHF World Championship
Ice Hockey 


EADV 2008
Paris, France
17. – 20. September 2008
17th Congress of the European Academy
of Dermatology and Venerology
Level 1, Booth P135 

IFAS 2008 - Zurich / Switzerland
28. – 31. October 2008
Exhibition Center Zurich
30th Trade Fair for Medical and Hospital Equipment
Hall 2, Booth 2.118


Arab Health 2007
Dubai, UAE
Dubai International Exhibition Center
29. January - 1. February 2007
Swiss Pavilion, Hall 7 Booth H20 

EADV 2007
Vienna, Austria
16. - 20. May 2007
16th Congress of the European Academy of
Dermatology and Venerology
Theme: Strong Past and Stronger Future
Hall X Booth 011


EWMA 2006 - Prague / Czech Republic
18. – 20. May 2006
16th Conference of the European Wound Management Association
Theme: Innovation, Education, Implementation

IFAS 2006 - Zurich / Switzerland
24. – 27. October 2006
29th Trade Fair for Medical and Hospital Equipment

MEDICA 2006 - Düsseldorf / Germany
15. – 18. November 2006
World Forum for Medicine


Stuttgart 2005 - Stuttgart / Germany
15. - 17. September 2005
Joint conference EWMA & ETRS & DGfW
From the Laboratory to the Patient: Future Organisation and Care of Problem Wounds

EADV 2005 - London / UK
12. - 16. October 2005
14th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology

MEDICA 2005 - Düsseldorf / Germany
16. – 19. November 2005
World Forum for Medicine


5th North Sea Meeting on Venous Diseases - Antwerp / Belgium
14. - 15. May 2004
Evidence based strategies in phlebology: from prevention to high tech
Hilton Hotel, Antwerp, Belgium

WUWHS – Paris / France
08. – 13. July 2004
2nd World Union of Wound Healing Societies’ Meeting

EADV – Florence / Italy
17. – 21. November 2004
13th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology

MEDICA 2004 - Düsseldorf / Germany
24. – 27. November 2004
World Forum for Medicine


MEDICA 2003 - Duesseldorf / Germany
19 - 22 November 2003
World Forum for Medicine 

EADV - Barcelona / Spain
15. - 18. October 2003
12th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology 

ETRS - Amsterdam / The Netherlands
21. - 23. September 2003
13th Annual Meeting of the European Tissue Repair Society

EWMA - Pisa / Italy
22. - 24. May 2003
13th Conference of the European Wound Management Association 


MEDICA 2002 - Duesseldorf / Germany
20. - 23. November 2002
World Forum for Medicine 

EADV - Prague / Czech Republic
2. - 6. October 2002
11th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology 

WCD - Paris / France
1. - 5. July 2002
20th World Congress of Dermatology 

EULAR 2002 - Stockholm / Sweden
12. - 15. June 2002
3rd Annual European Congress of Rheumatology