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Complete Cleaning System

Tuttoluxo 6S Code: PWC-700
Tuttoluxo 6SB Code: PWC-700B


Combining cutting-edge technology and the natural power of steam THE COMPLETE CLEANING SYSTEM 6 IN 1 BY ZEPTER TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB offers the ultimate cleaning experience, outclassing any conventional cleaning devices.
With 6 main functions, 3 patented systems, 4 levels of filtration, smart handling features and a vast array of included accessories, Zepter`s complete cleaning device is easy to operate and maintain. Using the most powerful disinfectant known to man, water steam, TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB protects our health and the environment, and at the same time achieves professional cleaning results on any type of surface. With the included professional iron, any creases from the clothes will just disappear. Steam will penetrate deep into the fabrics, disinfecting but at the same time protecting them.
THE COMPLETE CLEANING SYSTEM 6 IN 1 BY ZEPTER comes in two variants – Tuttoluxo 6S and Tuttoluxo 6SB. Depending on your personal preference and style you can choose between classic elegance embodied in our black version of the product, or you can choose extravagant, ornamental and luxurious special edition in gold colour. Whichever you choose will perform identically and will bring supreme efficiency in cleaning and safety for your home.

6 devices in 1

1 Vacuuming – Wet & Dry using water filter
2 Steam Cleaning & Disinfection
3 Steam Cleaning & Vacuuming at the same time
4 Professional Steam Ironing – vertical & horizontal
5 Air Cleaning & Air Aroma Therapy
6 Air Humidification


TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB`s amazing characteristics



Within a couple of minutes the two powerful heaters (2 x 1050 W) create the steam of approximately 148°C. This high temperature kills germs, bacteria, microbes, viruses, dust mites and other microscopic organisms that live in carpets, mattresses and furniture and can cause serious health problems such as asthma and allergies. The design of the boiler system gives a consistent and continual pressure even for the most demanding tasks. We get steam power when we need it, without waiting for the boiler to cool down before refill.

TUTTOLUXO 6S, 6SB is hygienic



TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB offers continual power. The steam pressure is 450 kPa (4.5 bars). The mighty steam jet will break up even the most stubborn dirt while the powerful aspirating motor will suck up all the dirt. With TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB we are able to vacuum and steam-clean at the same time in places never thought possible! All it takes is one finger touch to adjust the suction for any situation. Quickly increase or decrease the vacuuming speed right from the handle, without stopping, without any effort and without more energy consumption! Powerful and mighty, we don’t need to wait for it to cool down and heat up like other steam cleaning systems.

TUTTOLUXO 6S, 6SB is powerful



The TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB aspirating motor is a masterpiece. It has the advantages of a 1200 W motor, but its efficiency is equal to that of a 1600 W motor. TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB is a smart device, it is more powerful, more efficient, more cost-effective, more environmentally friendly…just more smart!. Size doesn’t matter – durability does!

TUTTOLUXO 6S, 6SB is performing



We will never have to waste money on expensive, dangerous cleaning products ever again. Nor will we ever need to spend money on vacuum bags and filters:

Save up to 100% on dust bags
Save up to 100% on chemical detergents

Steam is so efficient – one litre of water makes about 1,000 litres of steam and thanks to the clever design of the TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB the boiler can be refilled while the device is in use, never running out of steam.
With Tuttoluxo 6S/6SB you can:

Save up to 50% of the time spent cleaning
Save up to 70% of the time spent ironing

A smart device that alerts you when the water in the tank is finished. The efficient aspirating motor of the TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB operates at a lower wattage than its performance so it saves money on electricity bills too!
And what better way to save money on medical expenses and doctors fees than keeping our home environment clean and healthy – our home is the first refuge from the dangers of modern living.

TUTTOLUXO 6S, 6SB is cost-effective



Health might seem to be a luxury – but with TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB it becomes a natural state of being.
The number of people suffering from dermatitis, asthma, allergies is growing each year, and many health experts attribute this to the low quality of indoor air and the use of inadequate cleaning methods. International research carried out by different agencies has indicated that many of the main causes can be found in our own homes: cheap building materials, chemical household cleaning supplies, smoke, moulds and dust mites are all causing us and our children to develop and suffer from allergy attacks and asthma - and we spend at least 90% of our time indoors.

These tiny dust particles and mites are hard to get rid of, and most vacuum cleaners do little more than spread them back into the air. An ordinary vacuum bag just can’t filter out the particles that are so small, causing headaches, sickness, breathing problems, allergy reactions or dizziness. The TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB is designed with this in mind.

Dust is made up of very small particles, microscopic fibres, soot, viruses and mites. One gram of dust can contain up to 19.000 dust mites: microscopic creatures living, breathing and dying. Dust mites are microscopic acari that feed on organic detritus such as flacks of shed human skin - they are also the most common cause for asthma and allergies worldwide. Pollen and pet fur can worsen the problem. Dust mites survive well in: mattresses, carpets, furniture and beddings. Our pillow might be home to 40 million mites. For example: the average age of the pillow is 6 years, by which time, around 10% of its weight will be made of dead skin, mites and mites dung.

Detergents can keep dust mites under control but what about our health and the health of our family. Our homes are filled with man-made substances that include all sorts of synthetic chemicals, some of which are known carcinogens linked to different types of cancer. High concentrations of the cleaning products can remain on the surfaces, in fabrics and in the air for a long time after we cleaned, so we are touching and breathing in harmful chemicals.

The TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB enables us to easily rid ourselves of dirt, dust mites, and any other microscopic creatures living in our homes; and much more than this, without adding expensive and poisonous, chemicals to our lives, using only the natural power of steam.
Zepter has once again set the health standard for the future.


The number of people suffering from dermatitis, asthma, allergies is growing each year

Dust is made up of very small particles, microscopic fibres, soot, viruses and mites.

One gram of dust can contain up to 19.000 dust mites: microscopic creatures living, breathing and dying.


Technologically advanced and multifunctional, being suited with a wide range of accessories that fit perfectly to any kind of usage, of surface, or of garment.

Why have six individual devices when you can have a six-in-one device that does it all?

1. Vacuuming – Wet & Dry
Using water filter

TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB is a high-performance vacuum cleaner. It can be used in any situation to clean easily and efficiently: DRY VACUUMING, by getting rid of dirt and dust particles and Wet Vacuuming by sucking up all kind of liquids that have been spilled. Apart from the professional vacuum cleaning feature, TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB also filters the air, using the unique patented Spray System that cleverly traps all dust particles and removes even the tiniest particles of dust from the air. No vacuum bag could ever do this with its porous paper “filter.”


2. Steam Cleaning & Disinfection

Steam has many uses and many benefits when it comes to cleaning!
The high temperature of steam sterilizes, and sanitises killing all bacteria and germs. Steam pressure removes even the most stubborn dirt and grime easily, without using harmful chemicals and reaches in the tiniest spaces that most conventional cleaning devices can't reach.

Enjoy the natural, disinfecting power of steam with TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB!

3. Steam Cleaning & Vacuuming
At the same time

TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB takes both steam cleaning and vacuuming one step further by combining their strengths.
The continuous steam pressure and the 148°C high temperature, sterilizes getting deep into the carpets, mattresses and upholsteries, killing even dust mites, while the efficient power of the vacuum motor sucks away dirt as well as dust mites’ bodies. User friendly, the boiler can be refilled while in use, without losing time.


Vacuuming – Wet & Dry with water filter

Steam Cleaning & Disinfection

Steam Cleaning & Vacuuming at the same time


4. Professional Steam Ironing
Vertical & horizontal

The TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB iron is handy and professional, offering incomparable disinfecting and refreshing features that ordinary domestic irons can’t promise.

The water refilling system ensures constant steam pressure during ironing, both horizontally and vertically. Achieves dry-cleaning like results, using only the power of steam, saving time and money. Protects even the most delicate fabrics, including silk, corduroy, wool, cashmere…

Professional Steam Ironing – vertical & horizontal

5. Air Cleaning & Air Aroma Therapy

The Luxury of Clean Air

We should not take breathing for granted, especially with asthma and allergies on the rise.
This is why Zepter researchers have made sure that the TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB technology can be used to clean the air we breathe.

The filtration system filters almost 100% of the dust particles that pass through the appliance.

It purifies the air we breathe. An ordinary vacuum cleaner spreads dirt from the carpets into the air we breathe, but TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB cleans our carpets and at the same time purifies the air.

You can enhance your mood, freshen up your spirits, and relax in an oasis of wellness; just by adding a few drops of Zepter Fragrances to the clean water tank.

Air Cleaning & Air Aroma Therapy

Zepter Fragrances


Energise and invigorate. The summer fresh scent of a zesty aroma will give a burst of life to your home.

CODE: PWC-700-8L
Optional Aroma Liquid - SWEET CITRUS 

Relax and unwind. The sophisticated aroma of musk will give tranquillity and comfort to your living area.
CODE: PWC-700-9L
Optional Aroma Liquid - MUSK

Comforts and sooths. The wonderful herbal aroma lifts your spirits and is particularly good for people experiencing breathing difficulties, colds or flu.
CODE: PWC-700-7L
Optional Aroma Liquid - EUCALYPTUS-MENTHOL

6. Air Humidification

The Wellness Oasis

Headaches are a common complaint, but not many know that they are often caused by the low quality air in our homes. Another outstanding feature of TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB is that it can make our homes a healthier place by blowing moisture laden air around our rooms.

Dry air leads to dry skin conditions, frazzled hair, pour quality of sleep, worsened allergy and asthma symptoms, frequent colds, flu and respiratory ailments, sore throats, nose bleeds and dry coughs.

You can humidify the air in two ways:

by “steaming” using the flex-tube

by “vaporising” through an optional accessory.

TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB restores moisture to dry, arid winter air, improves your health... and breathing becomes a pleasure again.
6S/6SB is the only cleaning device that can also be used as a humidifier.


Air Humidification 

3 unique Patented Systems



Fresh and clean

There is nothing fresher than the air after a rainstorm, and the TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB utilizes this to bring the same freshness into our homes. Thanks to the patented Spray System, which uses the process called nebulisation. Nebulization is part of a 4 – level filter system where liquid medium creates the unique WaterFilter and traps not only solid particles but even the finest dust. The water and air circulation that is created by the sprayer`s jets traps and keeps the dirt inside of the water tank, so even the smallest dust fragments can`t escape back into the breathable air. The air that comes out is clean and fresh – totally purified! So when you clean with TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB you have the added reassurance that your house is hygienically clean. Safe for you and your loved ones.


Easy and efficient. The patented Simply System makes TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB as easy to clean and maintain as it is to use. Tap water and a natural detergent are all we need to keep the tank and the filters clean and new. If we like, we can even wash them in the dishwasher! After the household work is finished, just empty the liquid waste from the purification tank, rinse it off and the TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB is ready to start again! Bags can be messy and dirty to remove and dispose of. Plus, we have to keep buying them! Save money, time and protect your health with TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB!


Freedom and practicality. The patented Slalom System gives the TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB maximum freedom of movement. The small front wheels and the hose connection both swivel to allow maximum freedom of movement and also prevent the hose from wearing out.





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The floater filter traps the bigger particles of dirt, which are not caught by the rainstorm of the SpraySystem and is therefore an important gatekeeper and protector for the Air Intake Filter.
Trapped dirt
Trapped dirt

This filter purifies the air going through the device not only from unpleasant odours, but also prevents small particles that have not been fully filtered by the Spray System from falling into the appliance.

The Polyester filter at the rear air-outlet is designed to trap particles as small as 0.3 micron, catching anything that passed through the previous filter-levels. The Polyester filter, mainly used for noise-reduction makes the TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB one of the most silent appliances of its class.

Designed to prevent various particles (from carpets, pets or anything else) from reaching the motor. It is also used to filter the motor cooling air, a unique function to be found only in TUTTOLUXO models. 
HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) FILTER optional
The HEPA filter technology assures maximum efficiency of 99.97% particle capture down to 0.3 micron. The HEPA filter also helps to eliminate micro-organisms in indoor air.
HEPA FILTER, optional

TUTTOLUXO 6SB accessories

Multi-accessorized TUTTOLUXO 6SB has the right appliance for every circumstance and any surface.
Multifunctional – the accessories match as per your specific needs.
Ingenious design - attachments designed to help in situations where normal cleaning methods are not enough.
Versatile - for cleaning any kind of spaces.

TUTTOLUXO 6SB accessories are:
Extension tubes
with rapid-lock
Extension tubes with rapid-lock
Carrier for accessories:
Big brush
Carrier for accessories: Big brush
Carpet accessory

Carpet accessory
Liquid accessory

Liquid accessory
Floor accessory

Floor accessory
Carrier for accessories:
Dress fit single jet
Carrier for accessories: Dress fit single jet
Small nozzle

Small nozzle
Wide nozzle

Wide nozzle
Small round brush

Small round brush
Carrier for accessories:
Dress fit triple jet
Carrier for accessories: Dress fit triple jet
Triangular brush with single
and triple steam jet
Triangular brush with single and triple steam jet
Round brush
with concentric head
Round brush with concentric head
Funnel for filling
the boiler tank
Funnel for filling  the boiler tank
Carrier for accessory

Carrier for accessory
Liquid accessory
with rubber squeegee
Liquid accessory with rubber squeegee
Solids accessory with bristles

Solids accessory with bristles
Window wiper
Window wiper
Iron rest
Iron Rest

Turbo Brush *optional

This attachment is provided with a suction unit and a rotating carpet sweeper brush, operated by the same suction air. Turbo Brush is a carpet sweeper that is able to completely vacuum dust as well as pet hairs and other fibres from rugs, carpets and all kind of floors.

CODE: PWC-700-6
Turbo Brush, optional

Vaporizer *optional

TUTTOLUXO 6SB is the only cleaning system working also as a humidifier & air refresher! Use the patented VAPORIZER to humidify the air and fill it with fragrances for your well-being.
Vaporizer, optional


TUTTOLUXO 6S accessories

Even with the power and grace of the TUTTOLUXO 6S, it is the accessories that make it a cleaning wonder in any situation, and in any room of the house.

TUTTOLUXO 6S accessories are:
  • Multifunctional - they match as per your specific needs.
  • Ingenious design - attachments designed to help in situations where normal cleaning methods are not enough.
  • Versatile - for cleaning any kind of spaces.
  • Flexible - to be used in so many varied places.
  • Healthy - clean and sterilise, no matter where grime hides!
  • Long-lasting thanks to high quality materials
  • Unique ergonomic design ensure that even the toughest grease and stains don’t have a chance.

TUTTOLUXO 6S accessories are:
Big Brush,
carrier for accessories
Big Brush, carrier for accessories
Carpet accessory

Carpet accessory
Liquid accessory

Liquid accessory
Floor accessory

Floor accessory
Dress-fit single Jet,
carrier for accessories
Dress-fit single Jet, carrier for accessories
Small Nozzle

Small Nozzle
Wide Nozzle

Wide Nozzle
Small round Brush

Small round Brush
Dress-fit triple Jet,
carrier for accessories

Dress-fit triple Jet, carrier for accessories
Triangular Brush

Triangular Brush
Round Brush

Round Brush
Carrier for accessories

Carrier for accessories
Liquid accessory with squeegee
Liquid accessory with squeegee
Solids accessory with bristles
Solids accessory with bristles
Window Wiper
Window Wiper
Extension tubes with rapid-lock
Extension tubes with rapid-lock
Iron Rest
Iron Rest
Turbo Brush *optional

This attachment is provided with a suction unit and a rotating carpet sweeper brush, operated by the same suction air. Turbo Brush is a carpet sweeper that is able to completely vacuum dust as well as pet hairs and other fibres from rugs, carpets and all kind of floors.

CODE: PWC-700-6
Turbo Brush, optional

Vaporizer *optional

TUTTOLUXO 6S is the only vacuum cleaner working also as a humidifier & air refresher! Use the patented VAPORIZER to humidify the air you breathe and fill it with fragrances for your well-being. You don't have to do anything to vaporize, TUTTOLUXO 6S keeps working while you are relaxing.
Vaporizer, optional


Technical characteristics - Tuttoluxo 6SB

Voltage: 230 V +/- 6% 50 Hz
Boiler power: 2100W (1050+1050)W
Motor vacuum power: 1200W higher technology gives same power as a 1600W motor but: quieter, lower vibrations, lower energy consumption, higher reliability and higher air volume.
Iron power: 850W
Steam pressure: (450 kPa) 4.5 bar
Steam flow: 55 g/min
Max. steam temperature in the boiler: 148°C
Effective Air flow: 23.51L/sec
Vacuum pressure: 2290 mm H2O (~ 22,4 kPa)
Time of heating: 2 min. approx after turning on the steam power, just a few seconds with refill
Boiler volume: 0.8 litres
Boiler capacity: 0.4 litres
Recovery tank volume: 1.2 litres
Length of flexible tube: 2.0 m
Working reach: 8 m
Length of power lead: 5 m
Working noise: 71 db(A)

Safety features - Tuttoluxo 6SB:

Service pressure switch: 2 ± 6 bar 0.3+/-0.15
Safety thermostat: 170°C
Boiler safety valve: 6 bar +/- 0.5
Low voltage handle commands: 5 Volt
Safety float
Heat insulation in extension tubes
Steam safety lock

Weight: 9,7 kg
Size: 336x332x479 mm


Technical characteristics - Tuttoluxo 6S

  • Voltage: 230 V +/- 6% 50 Hz
  • Boiler power: 2100W (1050+1050)W
  • Motor vacuum power: 1200W higher technology gives same power asa 1600W motor but: quieter, lower vibrations, lower energy consumption, higher reliability and higher air volume.
  • Iron power: 850W
  • Steam pressure: (450 kPa) 4.5 bar
  • Steam flow: 55 g/min
  • Max. steam temperature in the boiler: 148°C
  • Effective Air flow: 22 l/sec
  • Vacuum pressure: 2290 mm H2O (~ 22,4 kPa)
  • Time of heating: 2 min. approx after turning on the steam power, just a fewseconds with refill
  • Boiler volume: 0.8 litres
  • Boiler capacity: 0.4 litres
  • Recovery tank volume: 1.2 litres
  • Length of flexible tube: 2.4 m
  • Working reach: 8 m
  • Length of power lead: 5 m

Safety features - Tuttoluxo 6S:

  • Service pressure switch: 2 ± 6 bar 0.3+/-0.15
  • Safety thermostat: 170°C
  • Boiler safety valve: 6 bar +/- 0.5
  • Low voltage handle commands: 5 Volt
  • Safety float
  • Heat insulation in extension tubes
  • Steam safety lock
  • Weight: 9,7 kg
  • Size: 336x332x479 mm

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