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Philip for Men
Fine Grooming
Anti-fatigue gel
Cell Renewal Serum
Shaving Gel
After Shave Balm
Ultimate Protection Deodorant
Individual items
La Danza
Swisso Logical
Swiss Nature
Smart Fix
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Anti-Fatigue Gel
Code: PNK-4500
Cell Renewal Serum
Code: PNK-4510
Shaving Gel
Code: PNK-4550
After Shave Balm
Code: PNK-4540
Ultimate Protection Deodorant
Code: PNK-4570
Philip for Men, the skin care line totally dedicated to the modern and active men of the 21st century. The new formulas are infused with pure active ingredients, extracted using the most advanced Swiss biotechnology methods. Based on the extraordinary power of SNOW ALGAE, this line offers immediate visible results for a perfect polished look.

A unique  extremophile algae from the Swiss mountains, snow algae is known for its ability to thrive in harsh environments, at temperatures below 0° C in glaciers and in permanent snow, while most other plants either reduce their metabolic activities or are simply unable to survive.

SNOW ALGAE extract activates the longevity factor in the skin cell (klotho gene) and strengthens the cellular defense mechanism by stimulating caloric restriction, without introducing a low caloric regime, and is therefore considered a pioneering anti-ageing ingredient. SNOW ALGAE is treated using the latest biotechnological methods and encapsulated into LIPOSOMES.

Discover the power of snow algae and rediscover yourself