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Swisso Logical
Swisso Logical skincare
Anti-Ageing Collection
Body Care
Bath Care
Shower gel
Gold special edition
Individual items
Swisso Logical Active Spa
Individual Items
About Health
Product Advantages
Product Benefits
La Danza
Swiss Nature
Philip for Men
Smart Fix


Shower gel
Code: PNK-422
The Swisso Logical line includes high-quality bath products.
For the modern man, bathing is related to health and hygiene and to aspects of sociology and psychology. Bathing is a message that we send to ourselves and our surroundings, as cleanliness and smartness accentuate our readiness for new activities, new challenges, and new success.
Morning bathing helps the body to face new challenges easily; it makes it fresh and ready for the work ahead. In the evening, bathing calms and relaxes the body and prepares it for a restful night’s sleep. Accordingly, special attention needs to be paid to the selection of bath products. Swisso Logical bathing product, shower gel, is the right solution for those who want the best.