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VacSy Pump
VacSy Bag Sealing Unit
VacSy Lids
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Code: VS-P

A user-friendly and versatile vacuum system that can be combined with VacSy® containers, products from the Zepter Masterpiece Cookware line, as well as any commercial containers. Using smart wireless technology, the VacSy® pump brings you the advantages of mobile and easy handling - ANYWHERE AT ANYTIME!

VacSy Vacuum Pump with container VacSy Vacuum Pump with Universal Lid  VacSy Vacuum Pump with Lexi Lid and Zepter pot VacSy Vacuum Pump with Bottle Cap
VacSy® Vacuum Pump
with container
VacSy® Vacuum Pump
with Universal Lid
VacSy® Vacuum Pump
with Lexi Lid and Zepter pot
VacSy® Vacuum Pump
with Bottle Cap

The built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery prolongs the wireless working time (approx. 30min. continious usage) making the VacSy® pump more convenient and efficient to use. Small, but extremely powerful, it removes the air from the containers and preserves the flavour and freshness of the food for up to 5 times longer than in normal refrigirator conditions. The smart red light indicator shows the end of the vacuuming process, while the blue light indicator shows the status of the battery. Includes a space-saving stand, perfect on the countertop or even mounted on the wall.


Technical Specification

Rated vacuum level: 600 mbar (max 750)
Motor: 12V DC
Charger / power unit: 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz. / 12.6 V DC 1.8 mA
Battery Type: Li-ion Polymer battery, (3cells) ≤ 800mAh
Operating temperature: 0°C + 40°C

The Vacuum Pump