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Clean Home
Tuttoluxo 2S
Tuttosteamy Gold
TurboHandy 2in1
Cleansy Acrobaz
Microfiber Cleaning cloth
Microfiber Cleaning set
About Health
Product Advantages
Product Benefits
Clean Water
Clean Air
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Cleaning Systems

TUTTOLUXO 6S/6SB is the complete Cleaning System with 6 devices in 1.
Tuttoluxo 2S
TUTTOLUXO 2S is the innovative Water Vacuum Cleaning System.
Tuttosteamy Gold

TurboHandy 2in1
Handy cordless vacuum cleaner. The 2 in 1 device for top cleanliness...
Cleansy Acrobaz
Cleansy Acrobaz is not only a functional stepladder but also a practical ironing...
Microfiber Cleaning set
Magical sets for people who like fast and complete cleaning.
Zepter Home Care offers you the best solution to do something good for your family;  make your house shine like never before; enjoy the cleanliness of your home: Zepter Home Care has taken care of that problem by developing for you and your family Cleansy, a complete range of Cleaning system by Zepter.

CleanSy – Cleaning Systems
Is a revolutionary set of cleaning systems ranging from Water-vacuum cleaning systems as well as Steam Cleaning, Ironing and Disinfecting systems.



Health comes first

We spend almost 90% of our time indoors. In the last decade there has been a dramatic increase in allergies, bronchial problems and asthma in every corner of the globe. Research carried out all over the world by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found frightening results! Many of the main factors causing these illnesses can be found in our own homes!
Cheap building materials, smoke, moulds and dust mites are all causing us and our children to develop and suffer from allergy attacks and asthma.
Household dust – A Dangerous Enemy to our Health. One gramme of dust can contain up to 19.000 dust mites!
That’s 19,000 microscopic creatures living, breathing and dying in every gramme of dust found in our homes. Household conditions are ideal for their growth and survival (i.e. relative humidity between 50 and 80 percent, temperature about 25°C).
Such conditions, together with wall-to-wall carpets, upholstered furniture, and central heating, are ideal for the development of new colonies of mites.

In the last decade there has been a dramatic increase in allergies, bronchial problems and asthma in every corner of the globe.


Allergens and irritants in house dust

The most frequent allergens and irritants in enclosed spaces are: mites, mould, animal secretions, pollen, insects and strong odours.
The recent studies carried out in the U.S.A. have confirmed that entire colonies of the mites and other micro-organisms which cause dust allergies
can be found in more than 80 percent of our homes.
Mites, those microscopic pests, feed on dead skin scales (dandruff). Because of that, large numbers of mites live in the places where they can find a lot of food – beds, mattresses, pillows, blankets, quilts, carpets, upholstered furniture, curtains... These places are a paradise for mites.
A lot of dust, and certainly the dust mites, are too small to be trapped by normal vacuum bags.
They pass right through the inefficient filters and into the air - headaches, sickness, breathing problems, allergy attacks or dizziness are the result of bad air and lack of thorough cleanliness.

Mites, those microscopic pests, feed on dead skin scales (dandruff).

More and more people have asthma, allergies...

Over the last 10 years the number of people with allergies, asthma and other respiratory diseases  has rapidly increased.
Although it is a rather complex disease, asthma is most often caused by household dust (mites), pollen, mould and allergens of animal origin, which can be found in our surroundings, in our homes and in the places where we spend most of our time.
We use more chemicals to keep our houses and ourselves clean. Various manufacturers recommend more and more products as an “ideal” solution for house cleaning.

Chemicals not only endanger our natural environment but our lives as well.
The human organism is no longer capable of fighting against such pollutants.
The danger lies in the fact that the consequences appear slowly and are difficult to see.
How can we remove dirt and other menaces to our homes, without using the chemicals which can also endanger our health?

Zepter offers you the best solution to do something good for your health and the health of your family; make your house shine like never before; enjoy the cleanliness of your home.
Zepter Home Care has developed for you and your family Cleansy: a complete range of Cleaning Systems by Zepter!

Over the last 10 years the number of people with allergies, asthma and other respiratory diseases  has rapidly increased.