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Tranquillity, softness and gentleness of the spring sun, along with a shine and the joy of a breeze. Warm greens emphasised with lace hems breathe life into this ultramodern version of Zepter’s classic style. Almavera is intended for those who seek comfort and tenderness.

The thicker lace thread made of natural fibres that is used for the Almavera collection line is a unique Zepter creation. It brings something new into the textile world. The design itself was the result of constantly improving the manufacturing process, making corrections and modernising. The thicker lace thread is painted in two different colours (cream and hazelnut brown) and made of fine cotton threads that intertwine to form a special fabric called "Almavera lace." Thus, the name for this line was born.

Tranquillity, softness and gentleness of the spring sun, along with a shine and the joy of a breeze.

Almavera is intended for those who seek comfort and tenderness.

The thicker lace thread made of natural fibres that is used for the Almavera collection line is a unique Zepter creation.

It brings something new into the textile world.

Warm greens emphasised with lace hems breathe life into this ultramodern version of Zepter’s classic style.