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Medolight BluDoc

Code: Z5L-C
Medolight BluDoc

Medolight BluDoc - a device for cosmetic procedures employing blue LED light and infrared light


Why using Medolight BluDoc

  • the perfect solution for people who understand the necessity of constant care for a healthy looking skin. The innovation consists in the unique combination of wavelengths, their frequency, and scientifically grounded cosmetic procedures.
  • a modern technology that activates various enzymatic processes in the body that are important for life. It is a supplementation of electromagnetic energy, charging cell mitochondria by boosting the reserves of the energy carrier – adenosine triphosphatase (ATP)
  • an aesthetically executed product intended to improve the quality of life. It is so easy to use that you are going to want to keep using it all the time.

Medolight BluDoc

Why blue light

The main adaptation mechanism created by the blue light is the increase in energy stores in body tissues at expense of increased synthesis of ATP in cell mitochondria. The blue range of waves is absorbed intensely by numerous photosensitive structures (flavins, porphyrins, carotenoids). This ensures normal course of photochemical reactions that are important for biological functioning of skin.

Medolight BluDoc can be used for a vast range of skin conditions like: preparing the skin for a cosmetological (cosmetic) procedure, coarse, itchy skin, consequences of injury to soft tissues of the face, aging skin, after a deep cleansing of the face, symptoms of acne, hyperesthesia


Medolight BluDoc can be used for a vast range of skin conditions.