Experience Therapy Air® in every situation where air is polluted
At home, at the office, in the kindergarten, in the school, in the kid’s room, in the hospital, in the pharmacy, in the waiting rooms, in the factory, in the pet shop, in the furniture store, in the restaurant, in the hotel, in the sport centre, in the fitness centre…
Where there is space to breathe there is a place for Therapy Air®
Even when our homes are perfectly clean Therapy Air® is working hard to keep us healthy
Our homes are our personal paradises - the only place we have left to escape from the world around us. Use Therapy Air® to help ensure that you really are escaping the outside world. Health organizations across the world are fighting for better air quality, but their resources are insufficient. In our homes, we now have the power to take care of ourselves and make our part of the world healthy.
Breathe safe at home with Therapy Air®!
A long day at work, a drive through rush hour traffic, and an aching head make it hard to enjoy your family at night. How can time with them be made better?
Come home to fresh Therapy Air® air, breathe out the stress with Swisso Logical Aromatherapy, and enjoy time with a family that has energy to give you because they, too, are invigorated by clean and healthy air! Don’t let fatigue destroy the magic moments your family can give you!
Air affects us positively in all we do thanks to Therapy Air®!
Breathing affects everything we do. Clogged lungs, aching head and fatigue can ruin more than just a day at work or a dinner out. Don’t let bad air ruin the small amount of time we have to give that special someone. The kids are away for the weekend; there is nothing to do but stay home and be in love. Breathe deeply; Therapy Air® renders the air potent.
Try to remember the world you grew up in. How has it changed? What sort of new challenges do our children face everyday? Challenges that we cannot even imagine! Their bodies are not ready for the constant attack of chemicals and toxins in our air.
They are still so young, and it is a shame they have to face the toxic world around them. Make sure they are secure at home. Use Therapy Air® and ensure they are breathing healthfully during the time they spend at home. Give them the chance to face the world!
What a shame it is they don’t have Therapy Air® at school!
Children share and spread so many germs! Make sure when they bring the germs home, you are ready to destroy them – with Therapy Air®!
Where there is space to breathe, there is a place for Therapy Air®
Our homes are probably the most important, but only one of the places we spend our time. What about work? We spend as much as 35% of our time at work! What kind of things in our workplaces affect the air we breathe? How does the air we breathe affect our work?
Put a Therapy Air® close to where you work, and feel the difference. When once toxins made your eyes water (and don’t forget your customers and clients) and your throat hurt, you will be able to breathe and think clearly again! That’s right, think! How can you concentrate when you can’t even breathe?
Set your mind and your body free, get rid of toxins in - or even created by - your work place. Breathe easier, and work better. Use Aromatherapy to give you energy when you are up against a deadline, or make your customers feel happier while they are with you.
Therapy Air® will give you the advantage over your competition - the advantage of health!
Leisure time is time for ourselves. It would be foolish to neglect our own health when considering the many uses for Therapy Air®! At the gym, in the café, going to the movies… Just think! If all of these places had Therapy Air® we could always breathe healthy air!
What are you breathing in the gym? Chemical deodorant, sweat, water vapour from who knows where! Legionnaire’s Disease is known to spread in water vapour from things like steam baths and hot tubs. Is that what you are breathing? A romantic restaurant, dimly lit with candles and incense, would be so much more invigorating with the benefit of fresh, breathable air as well.
Therapy Air® is light, and easy to move around. It can be put almost anywhere.
The uses and benefits of Therapy Air® cannot be counted. Long hours spent indoors allow us time to be ourselves.
Close to your pets, far from allergies with Therapy Air®
We do our best to train our pets, but what do they do when we are not watching? What happens when the dog goes out into the backyard? Anyone who has ever raised a dog can tell you about the tough times they went through. Puppies - so loveable - but they are a mess. Homes and apartments are never the same; the stench stays for years. And when they are older? Dogs love swimming or to go for a roll in the muck. Without constant washing, dogs can be a smelly mess!
What sort of "gifts" are the cats bringing home for us?
All of these things can affect our air quality at home, not to mention pet dander. Ask anyone with allergies about pet dander! Free your home from these known, and unknown, hazards with top quality air filtering and sterilizing. On top of it all, your pets, with their heightened senses, will probably appreciate the clean air even more than you will!
