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Code: KS-010 

Herbal Kitchen



How long have you been cutting herbs with tools that are not meant for it? Using a knife that is not sharp enough can crush the fibers in the herbs and leave them “bruised” during cutting, as knives are not ideal tools for chopping or mincing delicate herb stems and leaves.
Cut herbs like a professional with our kitchen shears that will consistently deliver clean cuts thanks to their extremely sharp edges! This is the only way to protect those essential fibers and leave them intact.

Made of high quality X50 CrMoV15 blade steel, guaranteeing long lasting edge retention and resistance to corrosion, drop forged from one piece and ice hardened, these shears are ideal for a variety of cutting tasks: from cutting fresh herbs without crushing their fibers, to snipping twine and slicing dried fruit. The handles are made of polyoxymethylene – a special food safe material that makes the handles durable and easy to clean.

As an additional feature, the handles include an integrated bottle opener.

Kitchen shears can be disassembled for easy and thorough cleaning and sharpening. Kitchen shears can be disassembled for easy and thorough cleaning and sharpening. Kitchen shears can be disassembled for easy and thorough cleaning and sharpening.
Kitchen shears • KS-010 · 20.3 cm

Kitchen shears can be disassembled for easy and thorough cleaning and sharpening.


Using a knife that is not sharp enough can crush the fibers in the herbs

As an additional feature, the handles include an integrated bottle opener.