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Code: KZE-001



Zepter brings you the famous Santoku knives in the latest innovative and unique design, for improved performance. Best known for their sharp edges and ability to perform a variety of kitchen tasks, Santoku knives are marvelous for chopping, cutting, dicing and mincing.
No job is too difficult for this knife! You either have it, or you need it!
The 19 unique air vents and the wiper rail (the ridge that runs through the center of the knife) assure that no food sticks to the blade while cutting. The sharp 19.5 cm long hand ground blade made of x46Cr13 steel, guarantees easy gliding through meat, fish, vegetables and other foods.

Polyoxymethylene, a food safe material, makes the handle strong, while its smooth surface makes handling and maintenance easy.
By choosing ZEPTER EDITION No. 1, you get functionality, quality, and design in one.

Unique material
  • RAZOR BLADE steel
  • Pleasantly smooth surface guides the hand while cutting
  • Hand-ground 19.5 cm long blade

  • 19 air vents and the wiper rail guarantee absolutely nothing clings to the blade after cutting
  • Pleasantly smooth surface guides the hand when cutting
  • Glides easily through meat, fish and vegetables.

  • Fits safely and snugly in the hand, gives perfect grip
  • Easy to clean and maintain

Zepter Edition No. 1 turns cooking into art!


By choosing ZEPTER EDITION No. 1, you get functionality, quality, and design in one.