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We carry on our long tradition of promoting a healthy lifestyle and keeping an open mind, by presenting a unique collection of exquisitely crafted magnetic jewellery.

Now you can dazzle your way through day and night with a glittering array of pendants, bracelets, and earrings whose magnetic powers were once endorsed by the legendary Queen Cleopatra herself, who adorned herself with magnetic jewellery to keep her youth and vitality.

Unique collection of exquisitely crafted magnetic jewellery

Magnetic Jewellery

The pain relieving benefits of magnotherapy have been documented by thousands of people who have used it. The belief is that magnets themselves create an environment in the body thought to speed up the healing process.


It is believed when the blood stream passes through a magnetic field, it stimulates the blood stream and nerves while raising the blood oxygen level to promote health.


During the past 20 years, worldwide studies into magnetic therapy have led to the development of a wide range of products – including jewellery – covering all types of ailments from arthritis to circulation problems, migraine headaches to frozen shoulders.
In the case of jewellery, it is believed certain pieces would also beneficially affect the particular areas of the body where they are worn – for example, bracelets for the wrist, hands and fingers, and necklaces for the neck and shoulders.


With our beautiful handcrafted creations you can be anything you want to be - bold, feisty, sensuous, coy, demure - the choice is yours. We have pieces, which are flirty, fun, art deco chic, simply sophisticated or timelessly classic. You can mix and match our pendants, earrings, rings or bracelets to express your individuality.
We at Zepter International believe in giving our customers a choice. Whether you believe in the health benefits of magnotherapy or not, you will still have a beautiful piece of jewellery created by our master craftsman with the quality and style you have come to expect from us.

The pain relieving benefits of magnotherapy have been documented by thousands of people who have used it.

You will still have a beautiful piece of jewellery created by our master craftsman