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Philip Zepter Jewellery
Fashion Jewellery
Hypnotic Signs
Sophisticated Deco
Romantic Mood
Enchanting Style
Sparkling Lights
Exclusive Desire
Charming Seduction
Exquisite Elegance
Intriguing Temptation
Timeless Charm
Sensual Appeal
Glamorous Brilliance
Fanciful Details
Individual Items
Magnetic Jewellery
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Hypnotic Signs

Sophisticated Deco

Romantic Mood

Enchanting Style

Sparkling Lights

Exclusive Desire

Charming Seduction

Exquisite Elegance

Intriguing Temptation

Timeless Charm

Sensual Appeal

Glamorous Brilliance

Fanciful Details


Since time immemorial women have been expressing themselves through the jewellery they choose to adorn themselves with.

At Zepter International we have fashioned a new collection of gorgeous top quality pieces which allow you to explore your individuality with a style to suit every mood.
With our beautiful handcrafted creations you can be anything you want to be - bold, feisty, sensuous, coy, demure - the choice is yours. We have pieces, which are flirty, fun, art deco chic, simply sophisticated or timelessly classic. You can mix and match our pendants, earrings, rings or bracelets to express your individuality.

Our jewellery is in a sumptuous feast of colours and styles and all plated in rhodium and gold. Rhodium is a precious metal from the platinum group and is renowned for its brilliant white colour, high reflectivity and hardness. The gold colour chosen for our jewellery is from the Hamilton colour range.

Some of our jewellery is brush finished - a surface forming technique, which can only be achieved by craftsmen, who are masters of their trade. Sand blasting is used for the smooth matt finish and each individual item is polished by hand.

Some of our pieces are encrusted with the world famous Swarovski crystals whose superb quality is renowned. Cubic zirconia resemble fine diamonds and these feature extensively in our collection - translucent and flawless hand set stones.
The loveliness of the crystals can be seen to wonderful effect in our romantic heart shaped pendants glittering with colour - one with deliciously feminine pink stones and the other featuring stones in the more dramatic and sophisticated deep blue.
For our pieces featuring the classic, cool simplicity of pearls, we use glass base pearls with a lacquer finish which are each peg-set to ensure quality and a long-lasting setting.

Express yourself. Be whatever you want to be. Liberate your senses with Zepter jewellery.

Our jewellery is in a sumptuous feast of colours and styles and all plated in rhodium and gold.

Some of our pieces are encrusted with the world famous Swarovski crystals whose superb quality is renowned.

Liberate your senses with Zepter jewellery.