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Philip Zepter Jewellery
Fashion Jewellery
Hypnotic Signs
Sophisticated Deco
Romantic Mood
Enchanting Style
Sparkling Lights
Exclusive Desire
Charming Seduction
Exquisite Elegance
Intriguing Temptation
Timeless Charm
Sensual Appeal
Glamorous Brilliance
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Sophisticated Deco
Code E40948P
Sophisticated Deco
Code A40945
Sophisticated Deco
Code E40946 - C, P
Sophisticated Deco
Code E40947 - C, P
Sophisticated Deco
Code A40944
Sophisticated Deco
Code E40949P
Sophisticated Deco
Code N8522 - M, L, XL
Sophisticated Deco
Code N9080 - M, L, XL
This sophisticated jewellery is intended for successful, strong-minded and communicative women who enjoy challenges, appreciate refined style but want to be noticed. The offer includes oval earrings plated with rhodium and decorated with Swarovski crystals (blue sapphire and black gem). We may also present multi-piece earrings, which are the perfect combination of classical and modern style. The offer includes two kinds of the earrings, C and P. (C for people who do not have pierced ears and P for people with pierced ears.) The pendants are made from the same material (rhodium and Swarovski crystals). In combination with the elegant necklaces, these pendants will highlight the sophisticated style of the lady who wears them. The offer includes two designs of necklaces in three sizes, M, L, and XL. (N8522: L – 42 cm; M – 40 cm; XL – 48 cm. N9080: M – 44 cm; L – 56 cm; XL – 59 cm).